How to Get Started in Civil War ReenactingCivil War Reenactment is one of the fastest growing hobbies in the United States, and with good reason. Not only does it reinforce our sense of pride in our heritage, but it's something in which the entire family can participate. It's educational and, finally, it's a great way to escape the worries of today and "pretend" in the great outdoors. Beginners should start by attending Civil War Reenactments and observing what goes on. Get a feel for the atmosphere and conditions of a living history event before you rush to buy vintage style military uniforms & equipment. Once you're sure that the discomfort (sleeping on cots or bedrolls, wearing uncomfortable clothes, and generally avoiding anything "farby") is worth it, then you're ready to get started. "Farby" is a Civil War Reenactment term for anything not typical of the period. A plastic mug would be farby as would a polyester uniform since they didn't have polyester in 1861. Wearing historically accurate clothing is essential to your "impression" and attention to details is important, i.e. Civil War soldiers or civilians didn't have digital watches or plastic frame eyeglasses. There is no age requirement for being a Civil War reenactor, but, of course, minors will need to have their parents' approval and support. For a great description of women's clothing and textiles during the Civil War, read this Civil War Fashion piece by Kathy Dhalle on the Bits of Blue & Gray website. Following are some useful terms to acquaint you with Civil War Reenacting.